Precede or proceed

Proceed and precede are two verbs that sound similar, but have different meanings and spellings. Preceed is a common wrong spelling of precede.

Here are some examples of how to use proceed and precede in sentences related to online tutorials or online courses:

  • Before you proceed to the next lesson, please complete the quiz and check your answers.
  • The instructor proceeded to explain the main concepts of the topic using examples and diagrams.
  • You can proceed with your enrollment by clicking on the link below.
  • The introduction of the course will precede the first module, where you will learn the basics of the subject.
  • The online tutorial is preceded by a short survey that asks about your learning preferences and goals.
  • The word pro- in proceed means to continue an action while the word pre- in precede means indicates it comes or needs to be done first before you continue something .