Accept or Except

Here’s the pronunciation and meaning of the words “accept” and “except,” along with three example sentences for each:

  1. Accept: Pronunciation: uhk-sept Meaning: To receive or agree to something; to take willingly or without objection.Example sentences:
    1. She accepted the job offer and will start working next week.
    2. The school accepted his application and he was admitted as a student.
    3. Despite the difficulties, they accepted the challenge and decided to move forward.
  2. Except: Pronunciation: ik-sept Meaning: Excluding or with the exclusion of; not including; to leave out.Example sentences:
    1. Everyone enjoyed the party, except for Jane, who had other commitments.
    2. All the cookies were eaten except for the one on the top shelf.
    3. I like all fruits except for bananas; I just don’t enjoy their taste.

Please note that the pronunciation of words can vary depending on regional accents and dialects. The given pronunciations are approximate and reflect a general standard pronunciation.